News of the Association
Visit to the Hôtel de Murs in Carpentras Wednesday 9 April 2025
The Association Culturelle Franco-Britannique organizes a vi ... Read the full newstext
The Association Culturelle Franco-Britannique organizes a visit to the Hôtel de Murs in Carpentras followed by a walk on Wednesday 9 April 2025 at 2PM. Carpentras has many substantial but not well-known 18th-century mansions (hôtels particuliers). The Hôtel de Murs (now used as a branch of the École Marie Pila) is the most architecturally impressive with some fine interior features. A visit inside will be followed by a walk round central Carpentras to look at the 18th-century exteriors of several other hôtels particuliers. We will finish up at a café.Price: members - €5, non-members - €8 (excludes café bills), to fund a donation to the school.
If you would like to take part in this outing please send an email to info at francobrits84. The group can be no more than 25 in number. The meeting point will be notified nearer the time. Please sign up quickly to be sure to be on the list.
You find detailed information in the flyer to download.
Anyone for gardening? - Our garden project
The kitchen garden project is now underway and we have been ... Read the full newstext
The kitchen garden project is now underway and we have been given a set of keys for access. It is situated at the Chemin du Moulin des Vignes .The Mairie services ploughed the land in May, but as the watering system had not yet been organized, no planting was done and it has become somewhat overgrown again.
I suggest we start preparing small plots and plant a few seeds. Nigel Skinner has kindly given advice on what can be grown in this season. I’ll be there on Tuesday, October 22nd from about 2.30 and Wednesday morning from about 10 o’clock. You are welcome to come along to start working on the land - or just out of curiosity. Those who decide to invest time regularly will be asked to sign an ‘internal regulations’ document for the smooth running of the garden and will be given a set of keys, if they wish, for a small, refundable deposit.
If you are interested in participating, please send an email to info at francobrits84 and come along with a packet of seeds … More details will be sent to those interested.
If the times mentioned do not suit you please suggest other times. There will be further meetings the following week.
The kitchen garden is open to all members of the Franco-Brits, regardless of where they live. The idea is that each participant contributes according to his/her abilities, sharing the tasks of digging planting, weeding…. The crops will be shared in proportion to the time and effort invested. Members living abroad and only here occasionally are welcome to participate.
The Conversation Group meetings take place on Tuesdays excep ... Read the full newstext
The Conversation Group meetings take place on Tuesdays except during school holidays at the Maison du Citoyen in Rue du College in Carpentras from 17h00 till 18h30.We would welcome contact from anyone who might be interested in participating in our collaborative approach to the animation of the sessions. Please get in touch, even if it's just with a good idea for one session, or even part of a session, anything more ambitious would of course also be welcome.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the next meeting.
More information about the Tuesday meetings on their dedicated page.
Vos animateurs : Alison Skinner, John Elmhirst and Zsu & Peter Guillery.
Club de Mahjong : a new activity
I discovered this chinese tabletop game during covid. This ... Read the full newstext
I discovered this chinese tabletop game during covid. This game requires four players to fully enjoy an entertaining and challenging experience.Do not mistake the real Mahjong with the Mahjong Solitary game you find on internet.
Several members of the association are already playing at home.
From Tuesday 14 january 2025 on, at 2.30pm a room is available at the Maison du Citoyen, 35 rue du Collège in Carpentras to play all together, to welcome and initiate new players into this fascinating game.
I invite you to consult the follow website, , also available in english to give a taste of the game and join us.
See You soon, Anne-Mie De Vos.
Scottish Country Dance 2024
Why not try Scottish danc ... Read the full newstext
Why not try Scottish dancing sessions at the MJC on Thursday afternoons at 2.15 pm – 4.15 pm. They take place at the "Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture", 8, place des Pénitents Noirs, 84200 CARPENTRAS. Anne-Mie and Alain will guide you through the steps. Beginners are welcome and the sessions are free but members are asked to join the MJC association. The sessions will resume in September 2024. If you are interested, please contact Anne-Mie directly: mieheyte[at]
Click on the little image on the right to download the flyer with more information.
And read the article published in the local newspaper La Provence !
Click on the little image on the right to download the flyer with more information.
And read the article published in the local newspaper La Provence !
Virtual Exhibition of Paintings
The Virtual Exhibition of the Paintings by Geneviève can be ... Read the full newstext
The Virtual Exhibition of the Paintings by Geneviève can be seen on its exhibition page. Look at her paintings and you may also buy one of more of them!More paintings are to come very soon!