Download the Membership Application and Renewal Form


Thank-you for your interest in the Association " Franco-Brits "

Being a member allows you to participate in all our activities and to have access to the « Members Only » part of the website.

If you are not a member and are interested to join the association, you are welcome to try and to participate in several activities to find out more about the association and our activities.

To join the Association, please download the Membership Application Form. Once you have signed it, please return it: You can post the completed form with a check made payable to: "Association Franco-Britannique" to the Association address : Association Culturelle Franco-Britannique du Comtat Venaissin, 35 Rue du Collège, 84200 Carpentras. You can also hand it in at a Tuesday meeting or at the General Assembly Meeting.

However, you are encouraged to pay by bank transfer to our CIC bank account: IBAN #: FR76 1009 6181 0700 0243 2740 174 and send the form by email to our membership email address.

You will receive an acknowledgment with details of our Privacy Policy and a request to state your wishes regarding the use of your image in case pictures are taken during membership events, which you should send back. You can change your preferences at any time. Please keep us informed of any changes in your contact details.

Membership runs from September to September. Membership fees are due after beginning of September and each payment will be acknowledged. Existing members have to renew their membership and pay the membership fee at the same time.

Members who pay income tax in France are entitled to a partial refund of their membership fee. If you are eligible, please contact the Association's treasurer and she will send you the relevant certificate.

The membership fees are:

Residents: single 18.00 €couple 28.00 €
Non-residents:single 10.00 €couple 18.00 €
Those joining after March 1st
(residents and non -residents):
single 10.00 €couple 18.00 €

Membership fees have been stable over the past years. It is possible however that the committee decides a change in the membership fees which will be announced on this web site.

Any question ? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Many thanks to all those who have joined the Franco-Brits ! Your participation and interest is greatly appreciated. All members are encouraged to contribute ideas and suggest events, please do not hesitate to contact us if there any activities you like to propose.

Thank-you for your continuing support of the association.

What's up

Stay informed, watch out and open the Association news section

Visit to the Hôtel de Murs in Carpentras Wednesday 9 April 2025

Anyone for gardening? - Our garden project

Club de Mahjong : a new activity

The videos of the AGM are published on the members site

The 2025 calendar will feature 40 years of association events.

Photos and Videos of Scottish Dances

Scottish Country Dance 2024


Association Newsletters: the January 2025 newsletter is published!

Useful Telephone Numbers & Urgences

Virtual Exhibition of the Paintings of Geneviève

Works of art and exhibitions of Laure Overwater

Legal Information